The Night Tour with Tracie "The Bug Lady" Drake Bay, Costa Rica |
Discover the hidden treasures of Drake Bay, Costa Rica with Tracie "The Bug Lady" .
The density of Basilisks, or Jesus Christ lizards, has been estimated at about 200 individuals per acre. They are often found along the shorelines of streams and rivers. Their ability to run across water gives them their common name.
Leafcutter ant colonies are typically comprised of four to seven million ants. The colony is ruled by a single queen, an ant about the size of a baby mouse. She is 800 times heavier than her smallest worker! The queen may live for up to 20 years. After her death, the colony will fall in to a state of chaos and die along with her.
The Bug Lady's Guide To Drake Bay ... Facts about Drake Bay, Costa Rica
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Costa Rica Tel: (506) 8701-7356 / (506) 8701-7462
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